The idea of an information diet is something I can get on board with, similar to some arguments that Clay Johnson made in his book the "The Information Diet". I could see several parallel universes to the postcard from the future:
1) Add tunability and explainability to the algorithm determining an information snippet's "goodness", whereby you as a user of the service are not only in control of your data, but can also adjust algorithm parameters and impact, and understand why a given piece of content is deemed good or bad. You could also open source and modify popular diets (in the spirit of Soylent) for different flavors, cheats, modifications, etc.
2) Creation of a financial market for information, whereby the "best" creators and posts receive the highest tokenized value, similar to BitClout
4) Increasing costs for posting information on the internet or via newslwetters / emails with "stamps" (a la, prior to its acquisition by Coinbase)
The idea of an information diet is something I can get on board with, similar to some arguments that Clay Johnson made in his book the "The Information Diet". I could see several parallel universes to the postcard from the future:
1) Add tunability and explainability to the algorithm determining an information snippet's "goodness", whereby you as a user of the service are not only in control of your data, but can also adjust algorithm parameters and impact, and understand why a given piece of content is deemed good or bad. You could also open source and modify popular diets (in the spirit of Soylent) for different flavors, cheats, modifications, etc.
2) Creation of a financial market for information, whereby the "best" creators and posts receive the highest tokenized value, similar to BitClout
3) Curation by content experts either directly (a la Faves or indirectly (a la Nuzzel
4) Increasing costs for posting information on the internet or via newslwetters / emails with "stamps" (a la, prior to its acquisition by Coinbase)